古韻琳 Yunlin Ku

生於 2002 年,她有時觀察、有時散步。在生活裡練習話有即時、想法有行動、真誠有給予、相信擁有的都可以失去。她有平靜。 


旅行和書寫始於 15 歲至歐洲交換學生,持續在移動中領會愛與真實。她高中階段於義大利、雲林、倫敦、臺南求學,大學期間曾擔任 Shopping Design 實習編輯、非營利組織 One-Forty 成長行銷實習生,目前大四在學,生活與散步於臺北。

CV in 中文版CV in English VersionWriting Portfolio

Hi my name is Yunlin (Lyn) and I am studying graphic communication at university in Taipei. I was born in 2002 in Taiwan and went to high school in Yunlin and Tainan county, later moved to Taipei to study at university and currently living here.

I started travelling when I was an exchange student in Italy from 2017 to 2018. Since then I keep writing and taking photos for observations between people and life around the world. Living in different places inspired my creativity and curiosity.

On my site you will find some photography and creative works of mine. I love reading, writing, arts, magazines, movies and photography. Went to Europe for backpacking in the summer of 2023, I spent most of my time strolling in the city. It gradually became a photography series: “Observations from the Stroll”. I would like to have more observations in the future.

Thank you for being here!